Section Pre-Employment and Annual Medical Check-up

Our Section Pre-Employment and Annual Medical Check-up Service at any of our Poliklinik Mediprima Branches.

Pre-employment check-up includes the basic screening investigations needed to determine the candidate’s medical fitness required for employment.

Pre-employment check-up is a significant part of employee benefit for any organization.

This ensures and informs the company the present health status and well-being of the newly hired candidate on work. Today it is customary for many companies to get the health check-up for employees done at the time of hiring and on annual basis as well.

Pre-employment check-up includes the basic screening investigations needed to determine the candidate’s medical fitness required for employment.

Benefits of Pre-employment check-up:

  • To Maintain Safety at Workplace: The new candidate should be free from medical conditions that could result in harming other people (colleagues or customers), especially in health and safety sensitive jobs such as driving, piloting, working in automation etc.
  • Health Record Compilation: A Pre-employment health check-up establishes baseline health related data against which the future health status of an employee can be compared. It identifies existing medical conditions, including lifestyle and contagious diseases which could get adversely affected by occupational exposure.
  • Ascertain Productivity and Efficiency: These tests establish that the new employee is free from medical conditions which can affect his productivity post employed. Companies understand the importance of a healthy employee as his health is going to be directly proportional to his productivity and efficacy towards work.
  • Cost to Company for Medical Reimbursement: Considering that medical treatment is getting costlier by the day, employee health is becoming a major concern for companies. Several companies provide full or partial coverage for medical expense to their employees. An employee who suffers from a long term illness which may require frequent hospitalization and absenteeism from work may cost the employer a lot of money. Companies want to assess this before hiring the candidate.

What do Pre-employment check-up include?

Pre-employment check-up are usually basic screening tests which gives a broad assessment of the candidate’s health status. Usually they include the following test, though they may vary from company to company.

  • Complete Medical & Physical Examination
  • Laboratory Investigations
  • Complete Blood Count
  • Blood Sugar Test (usually fasting)
  • Urine Routine & Microscopy
  • Blood Group & Rh Factor
  • X-Ray Chest
  • ECG
  • Lipid Profile
  • Kidney function test
  • Liver function test
  • Optional tests
  • HIV
  • HBsAg (Hepatitis)

Employee health check-up is every company’s responsibility. Indus has designed special executive health check-up packages and pre-employment health check-up packages.

It also offers tailor-made packages as per company’s specific requirements.

Employee health check-up is important for the company as well as an individual since at the end of the day, everyone wants to know the real picture of one’s health and live a healthy life with one’s family.

The corporate health check-up packages are not only the preventive health check-up but the most suitable check-ups for employee.

To know more about health check-up packages, fill the query form and we will get back at you at earliest.

Asian female doctor specializing in psychiatry works her desk, providing psychotherapy, diagnosis


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Scheduling your visit for our Section Pre-Employment and Annual Medical Check-up service has never been easier. Whether you need a routine check-up, specialized care, or a consultation with one of our experienced doctors, we’re here to help. 

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