Travel Medicine

Our Travel Medicine Service at any of our Poliklinik Mediprima Branches.

When living in Malaysia, it is extremely common to travel internationally. This may encompass regional travel or global travel but either can pose health risks.

Travel health risks will vary between individuals, and several factors need to be taken into consideration, such as the itinerary, trip duration, travel style, activities and health background of the traveler.

Travel health means making sure travelers are best prepared for preventing or managing illness and accidents while they are away from home.

The pre-travel consultation offers a dedicated time to prepare travelers for the health concerns that might arise during their trips.

The objectives of the pre-travel consultation are to assess the traveler’s trip plans and determine potential health hazards; to educate the traveler regarding the anticipated risks and methods for prevention; to provide immunizations for vaccine-preventable diseases and medications for prophylaxis, self-treatment, or both; and to empower the traveler to manage his or her health throughout the trip.

It is recommended that you consult with your Doctor at least 6-8 weeks in advance as some of the immunizations may require a course of injections. If however this time frame is not possible, remember, ‘its never too late to vaccinate’.

Doctor handing over immunity passport


Book an Appointment

Scheduling your visit for our Travel Medicine service has never been easier. Whether you need a routine check-up, specialized care, or a consultation with one of our experienced doctors, we’re here to help. 

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